Tai Chi Easy For Life
Health ~ Vitality ~ Longevity
TaiChi EZ4 Life Trailer.mov
Introducing Tai Chi Easy For Life for community centers, libraries, residential communities, hospitals, churches, businesses and organizations.

We are dedicated to serving the needs of the "Living Stronger, Living Longer Generation" Our peers have a need to reshape and rethink attitudes toward health and exercise. Those concepts and practices that have served us well up to now, may in fact be hurting our bodies and no longer contributing to our health and wellbeing.
Tai Chi & Qigong are ancient mind / body practices perfected over thousands of years and used today in Oriental Medicine for health, vitality and longevity.
Simply put, by slow meditative movement, deep diaphragmatic breathing and self massage, we balance and harmonize Qi in and around the body and facilitating free flow, we "Activate the Healer Within."
Dr. Roger Jahnke O.M.D. in his bestselling book "The Healer Within" writes, "We already have within us, all that is necessary to sustain and promote health." Simply learning to correct posture, move in a slow meditative manner, breath deeply, relax and empty the mind, add self- massage with the intention to heal and restore our bodies to health and vitality we can often free ourselves from illness and disease and restore our bodies to wellness.

Dr. Roger Jahnke, O.M.D.
These are not unsubstantiated claims. The Mayo Clinic, Harvard Medical School, The Cleveland Clinic, The New England Journal of Medicine, the National Institute of Health (NIH) are all jumping on the health benefits of Tai Chi & Qigong. It is almost impossible to pick up a major city newspaper without finding another report cited.
Dr. Mehmet Oz, in an article in the AARP Magazine is quoted as stating "the greatest medical advances in the next decade will come from manipulating the body's flow of energy."
Natalie and I have studied with Dr Roger Jahnke O.M.D., Francesco "Garri" Garripoli, Paul Lam, MD, Master Mingtong Gu, Ken Cohen, Master Robert Peng, Daisy Lee, Tina Zhang, Michael Winn, Robert Tangora and the Taoist Tai Chi Society of Saint Petersburg, FL.
Dr. Jahnke inspired us, empowered, trained and certified us to begin teaching and sharing the often miraculous health benefits. We are profoundly grateful for Dr. Raj for encouraging us to begin our journey that now has taught hundreds of classes to thousands of women and men.
We can teach our practice, standing or seated and in fact lying in bed if ones health does not permit practicing upright.
We all need to move to sustain life. It is not necessary to lie on a mat or floor to practice Tai Chi. One only has to come with a desire to learn and an open mind to consider there are many paths to the same destination, Good Health and Wellness.
While the attitude toward healthy exercise is often strenuous and high impact while reading, watching TV, listening to the radio or news and so on... There are billions of people amused as they do not believe it is beneficial or even possible to separate the mind and body while exercising. No matter what you believe, it is becoming well known in medicine that even our cells have intelligence. The eastern world believes energy is the basic source of life. With a free, balanced, unrestricted flow throughout our bodies we can have good health. It is when this is interrupted we experience pain and disease.
It is important to open the meridians that Qi flows through circulating in our bodies. With the practices of Tai Chi & Qigong, a person over time, should find remarkable improvement in their overall health and wellbeing.
So if you haven't read enough to get off the couch and jump into our classes forming often, read on just a few more lines.
To activate the powerful medicine that is produced already within us does not require a doctor's prescription and has no cost.
In 1996, the Office of The US Surgeon General confirmed that simple, mild exercise significantly decreases the risk of many serious diseases. It should be obvious that self care and prevention are preferable to medical intervention.
"Worms will not eat living wood where vital sap is flowing; rust will not hinder the opening of a gate when the hinges are used each day. Movement gives health and life. Stagnation brings disease and death. (Ancient Chinese Proverb)"
The choice is yours .... just perform slow gentle movements daily, learn to breath deeply, relax the body and mind and enjoy improvements of health, mind and body.
Perhaps you have seen the movie, "The Incredible Story of Benjamin Buttons. Remember Benjamin was born old and as he aged, he became younger. Well, that is how I feel. I was scheduled for bi-lateral knee replacement surgery many years ago. After already having a total right hip replacement, I vowed to do anything to avoid more artificial joints.
I postponed the surgery for years and in 2014 had a total left knee replacement. This became necessary do to bone on bone deterioration of the joint. Today I am even more dedicated to avoiding surgery and the need for dangerous and harmful pain medication, I am without pain and fully functional... studying, teaching and practicing Tai Chi & Qigong. Having systemic arthritis, I am only able to do this by practicing Tai Chi and Qigong.
Folks, now in my eigth decade, blessed to be healthy and enjoy the rewards of retirement and the joy of living. We would encourage you to seriously consider finding a local class under the direction of a compassionate, caring, qualified instructor and start a journey toward a new life of health, vitality and longevity.